Having ‘The Ones’ In Your Life

by | Mar 22, 2024

In his Art2Life free workshop,  American artist Nicholas Wilton talks a lot about community. 

He has built his considerably extensive art education career on it. In his case, we are talking about a community of a staggering 100,000 people tuning in this March 2024 to hear his words of wisdom about the key principles of art making, along with a team of talented artists who coach and mentor in this program. He’s been doing this for about ten years and it is growing, attracting more artists, both inexperienced and those looking for a reset. One obvious benefit of participating is connecting with other participants all over the world, gaining access to feedback and encouragement. Being part of a community of artists who want the same thing. Being part of a community that may not know the details of your life but do understand you on a core level about your struggles and successes in art making.

Finding ‘The Ones’ who are interested in what you are doing and can empathize with your challenges is important to the creative process. I have talked about being part of the Pugwash Artist Collective for the last number of years and how supportive and enriching that experience is. The Collective meets to catch up on latest projects, share information and plan for group exhibitions every two years or so. This group makes living in a small rural village more feasible, reminding me of who I am as a maker of things and inspiring me to continue.

Recently, I have reconnected with Halifax-area friends, Susan Stacey(educator/writer/artist) and Kathy Kaulbach(illustrator/graphic designer/artist) over art. Our friendship started in the late 1979’s early ’80’s when we dared to publish children’s books together. Now, meeting up in person and through video conferencing 40 years later, has been joyous and rejuvenating. How could I have forgotten how much fun and energy I get from talking to them! Sharing information and painting techniques, learning about what workshops they are taking, critical thinking and yes, feedback. I feel so fortunate to have them. They are some of ‘The Ones’, the important people in my life that feed my inner creative.

Who are yours?

Kathy Kaulbach https://www.touchstonedesignhouse.com/about

Susan Stacey https://www.redleafpress.org/cw_contributorinfo.aspx?ContribID=428&Name=Susan+Stacey