
A writer is somebody for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.

– Thomas Mann, Essays of Three Decades, 1947

That Stripy Cat

Written by Norene Smiley | Pictures by Tara Anderson

At the Hummingbird Animal Shelter, Mrs. Cosy and her co-workers find homes for stray animals.

Unfortunately their latest newcomer, a stripy little cat, won’t cooperate.

Mrs. Cosy might smile at his antics, but who wants to adopt a troublemaker that howls, hides under couches and climbs the drapes?

By the end of the day, the little cat is the only animal left without a new owner.

All is not lost. Sometimes cats like to choose for themselves.

That stripy cat has already found someone to adopt. Who could it be?

Published by Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 2007


Comments about That Stripy Cat from a parent:

“What a HIT! We have already read the book twice each day since it came home! When I got out of my shower this morning I heard Rory in his room saying “Full of Beans” and when I went in, he had the book open to the page where Mrs Cosy calls the cat “Full of Beans”! It is a lovely playful book, and lots of fun to read aloud. Rory enjoys all the new words that he hasn’t heard before “I never heard of that word before” (Persnickety). It’s given us much to chatter about before bed/naps.”

Simon and Catapult Man’s Perilous Playground Adventure

Written by Norene Smiley | Illustrations by Brenda Jones

Simon and his daring sidekick, Catapult Man, are ready for a morning of outer-space adventure at the playground.

Their mission is to travel to the ends of the galaxy and back again as they explore the perils of the playground.

But discovering distant worlds is dangerous—especially when Catapult Man is around!

Luckily, Simon is always there to steer him to safety. But when Simon and Catapult Man get themselves into trouble so deep that even Simon can’t save them, who will be brave enough to come to their rescue?

This book project is a partnership of the IWK Health Centre’s Child Safety Link program, Insurance Bureau of Canada and Halifax’s Nimbus Publishing. 2009



‘Winter Yard’ in Whispers of Mermaids & Wonderful Things, Nimbus 2017

Simon & Catapult Man’s Perilous Playground Adventure, Nimbus Publishing & Child Safety Link, 2009

That Stripy Cat, Fitzhenry & Whiteside 2007

‘Winter Yard’ in Grade 6 educational text, Thomson Nelson, 2006

“Winter Yard’ in Till All the Stars Have Fallen. Toronto, Kids Can Press, 1989.

Four short stories in Open Windows. Kingston, Quarry Press, 1988.

Four short stories in The Fiddlehead. Fredericton, Autumn 1988.

Short story in Shivers in your Nightshirt. Halifax, Children's Writer's Workshop, 1986.

Poetry in Seaweed in your Stocking. Halifax, Children's Writer's Workshop, 1985.