
Vivian Godfree

Vivian Godfree

The Village of Pugwash sadly lost an impactful and creative member of the community recently. Vivian Godfree was so important to volunteer organizations like the North Cumberland Historical & Genealogical Society that it is hard to imagine how they can carry on...

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Using AI for Writing

Using AI for Writing

A marketing friend says she uses AI as a search engine more than she uses Google as it can focus her search without having to wade through the many related websites Google comes up with. Instead of relying on her husband, another friend now uses AI to edit down her...

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Having ‘The Ones’ In Your Life

Having ‘The Ones’ In Your Life

In his Art2Life free workshop,  American artist Nicholas Wilton talks a lot about community.  He has built his considerably extensive art education career on it. In his case, we are talking about a community of a staggering 100,000 people tuning in this...

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Elaine Cook has always told stories. When she was young, people thought she was lying. And she was,,,,but she was good at it. Excuses to explain dubious behaviour became elaborate fantasies. School history essays took flight when her imagination leapt beyond the...

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Meditative Play of Monotype

Meditative Play of Monotype

inking. pressing. pulling. stencilling. inking. pressing. pulling. stamping, inking. pressing. pulling and magic happens or happy mistakes. surprises for sure. jumping off points for further explorations another way to loosen the creative process relying on...

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Changing It Up!

Changing It Up!

In the last few months, I realize that I am looking for more inspiration in my art work. I feel the need to break out of existing patterns - how I approach a painting, what subject matter I am drawn to, how I decide to attack it. In the past I have found it so...

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The Last Repair Shop

"One of the best things that humans do." Worth a peek. Nominated for an academy award. One of the producers/directors, ben Proudfoot, is from Halifax, Interesting how filmmakers injected the personal, emotional stories. There is something valuable and inspiring here...

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Writing, an Invitation to Self

Writing, an Invitation to Self

I visited Joan Skinner recently at her home in Pleasure Cove, just outside of Pugwash, to talk about her writing practice. Joan has a thoughtful way about her. Like she has the key to the chamber of secrets or the answer to one of life's mysteries. There is a calm...

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The Ancient Art of Quilling

The Ancient Art of Quilling

You may have stopped by Judy Turple's booth at the Pugwash Farmers Market. You may have been amazed by her art work, including acrylic paints, cards, intricately decorated beach stones and her intriguing quilled creations. If not, I would recommend you search her out...

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