
by | Nov 24, 2019

Just thinking about resilience and tenacity and how, without them, many talented creators may have fallen by the wayside. Had the opportunity this past week to attend a reading/conversation in Sackville NB with the uber-talented writer, Sheree Fitch, who has delighted children for years with her slippery lips and tongue-twisting poetry. She has been touring with a book for adults, You Won’t Always Be This Sad, about about living with grief. Sheree is a bright and shining light but has, like many, had challenges in her life. It has not stopped her.

Last night we went to the theatre in Oxford NS to see singer/songwriter, Christina Martin, with husband and collaborator, Dale Murray. They had just returned from a gruelling cross-country tour – Newfoundland to British Columbia – and back again for the new Beautiful Lie release. I am sure they were exhausted but being dedicated professionals they treated their local fans in Cumberland County to one great show. Musicians have to dig deep to get themselves out there, book performance spaces, promote themselves, all the while finding time to write and record. No one works harder. They never give up.